Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Water Your Faith Wednesday - The Power of a Praying Wife (Part 11)

Hello everyone! Welcome to "Water Your Faith" Wednesday! How do you feel after spending your Sunday at church praising and worshiping our Lord? I know I feel great! I start my week fired up and ready to face what's in store. Oftentimes, however, by Wednesday, life begins to drag me down. My goal is provide a way to overcome the spiritual doldrums with encouraging words, scriptures, devotions, songs, etc. Let me know what you think!
  Week 1, the introduction: The Power.
Week 2, His Wife.  
Week 3, His Work
Week 4, His Finances
Week 5, His Sexuality
Week 6, His Affection
Week 7, His Temptation
Week 8, His Mind.
  Week 9, His Fears.
Week 10, His Purpose
Week 11, His Choices.
Today, we are continuing our devotions with the 11th chapter in The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian: His Health
"I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you." - 2 Kings 20:5
My Thoughts: This chapter hit home for me. My husband is pretty healthy and physically fit. He works outside and I know any weight he puts on in the winter months will fall off like water during the summer months. It's just not fair! So I recently started working out 2 to 3 times a week. It's HARD. I pray for motivation on a daily basis. But I also worry about my husband's health. "Your husband's health," says Stormie, "is not something to take for granted, no matter what is age or condition." (pg. 97) I don't want to be a widow again. I pray God keeps my husband healthy so we can live a long and happy life together. We serve a healing God, but we have to remember that ultimately God has the final say in the health of our spouses. As hard as it is to accept, we have to give God that privilege "without resenting, faulting, or getting angry with Him" because He says there is a time for everything, even a time to die (pg. 98).

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