Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Water Your Faith Wednesday - The Power of a Praying Wife (Part 7)

Hello everyone! Welcome to "Water Your Faith" Wednesday! How do you feel after spending your Sunday at church praising and worshiping our Lord? I know I feel great! I start my week fired up and ready to face what's in store. Oftentimes, however, by Wednesday, life begins to drag me down. My goal is provide a way to overcome the spiritual doldrums with encouraging words, scriptures, devotions, songs, etc. Let me know what you think!
  Week 1, the introduction: The Power.
Week 2, His Wife.  
Week 3, His Work
Week 4, His Finances
Week 5, His Sexuality
Week 6, His Affection
Week 7, His Temptation.
Today, we are continuing our devotions with the 7th chapter in The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian: His Mind
"To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." - Romans 8:6
My Thoughts: I know the mind is a powerful tool. I have suffered from depression, loneliness, and despair. I didn't realize that the devil will attack men and women's minds differently. It makes sense because we think and feel differently. Stormie raises a good point in the first paragraph of this chapter, "If he and I were one, than an assault on his mind was an assault on me as well." (pg. 75) What an eye-opening declaration! When we pledge our lives to our husbands in marriage, we become one with them. Everything we do directly affects them, and vise versa. So, by speaking "words of God and words of praise" (pg. 76) over our husbands, we can directly affect how they view these negative thoughts and give them power over them.  


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I totally agree with you! I agree that the quote you shared from the book is eye-opening!

    1. I know! I guess I never thought of it that way. Thanks for stopping by!
