Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Water Your Faith Wednesday - The Power of a Praying Wife (Part 5)

Hello everyone! Welcome to "Water Your Faith" Wednesday! How do you feel after spending your Sunday at church praising and worshiping our Lord? I know I feel great! I start my week fired up and ready to face what's in store. Oftentimes, however, by Wednesday, life begins to drag me down. My goal is provide a way to overcome the spiritual doldrums with encouraging words, scriptures, devotions, songs, etc. Let me know what you think!
  Week 1, the introduction: The Power.
Week 2, His Wife.  
Week 3, His Work
Week 4, His Finances
Week 5, His Sexuality
Today, we are continuing our devotions with the fifth chapter in The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian: His Affection.
"Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband." -  1 Corinthians 7:3 

My Thoughts: This is an area where my husband and I struggle. He is not an affectionate person, by nature. He thinks that our sexual relationship is all of the affection I should need. I feel like I need more. I never thought to pray about it. That is probably why most of our arguments revolve around my need for affection and his indifference towards it. I have had my eyes opened several times throughout this book, so far, and I relish it. I hope it makes our relationship stronger and better in the Lord.

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